Why is an Imported Variable Reevaluated on Each Request in Flask?
Image by Lateefa - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is an Imported Variable Reevaluated on Each Request in Flask?

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Are you tired of seeing your imported variables reevaluated on each request in Flask, leaving you scratching your head and wondering why? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysterious world of Flask’s request lifecycle and uncover the reasons behind this phenomenon. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

The Mysterious Case of the Reevaluated Variable

Imagine you have a simple Flask application with a single route that imports a variable from another module. Something like this:

from flask import Flask
import my_module

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return str(my_module.my_variable)

In this example, `my_module` contains a simple variable assignment:

# my_module.py
my_variable = 'Hello, World!'

Now, when you run the application and access the root URL, you might expect the value of `my_variable` to be cached and reused across requests. But, surprise! The value of `my_variable` is reevaluated on each request, resulting in an unexpected outcome.

But Why?

The reason behind this behavior lies in Flask’s request lifecycle. When a request is made to your application, Flask creates a new instance of the application context. This context is responsible for executing the request and providing access to the application’s components, such as the request and response objects.

When you import a module in Python, it is executed in the context of the current script. In the case of a Flask application, this means that the module is executed on each request, resulting in the reevaluation of the imported variables.

But wait, there’s more! Flask uses a concept called “modules as singletons” to ensure that modules are only loaded once per process. This means that when you import a module, Python checks if it’s already loaded in memory. If it is, Python returns a reference to the existing module instead of reloading it.

However, this singleton behavior only applies to the module itself, not its contents. When you import a variable from a module, Python creates a new reference to the variable on each import. This means that even though the module is only loaded once, the variable is reevaluated on each request.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we’ve uncovered the mystery behind the reevaluated variable, let’s explore some solutions to this problem:

1. Use a Singleton Pattern

One way to avoid the reevaluation of imported variables is to use a singleton pattern. This involves creating a class that ensures only a single instance of the object is created, and subsequent imports return a reference to the same instance.

# my_module.py
class Singleton:
    instance = None

    def __new__(cls):
        if cls.instance is None:
            cls.instance = super(Singleton, cls).__new__(cls)
        return cls.instance

    def __init__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'initialized'):
            self.my_variable = 'Hello, World!'
            self.initialized = True

singleton_instance = Singleton()

In this example, we create a `Singleton` class that ensures only a single instance of the object is created. We then create an instance of the singleton and use it to access the variable:

from flask import Flask
import my_module

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return str(my_module.singleton_instance.my_variable)

2. Use a Cache Mechanism

Another solution is to use a cache mechanism to store the value of the imported variable. Flask provides a built-in cache mechanism that can be used to cache the value of the variable:

from flask import Flask, cache
import my_module

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    cached_value = cache.get('my_variable')
    if cached_value is None:
        cached_value = my_module.my_variable
        cache.set('my_variable', cached_value, timeout=60)  # Cache for 1 minute
    return str(cached_value)

In this example, we use Flask’s cache mechanism to store the value of the imported variable. We first check if the value is already cached, and if not, we cache it for 1 minute.

3. Avoid Importing Variables

A simpler solution is to avoid importing variables altogether. Instead, encapsulate the variable within a function or class, and import the function or class instead:

# my_module.py
def get_my_variable():
    return 'Hello, World!'
from flask import Flask
import my_module

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return str(my_module.get_my_variable())

In this example, we encapsulate the variable within a function called `get_my_variable`. We then import the function and use it to access the variable.


In conclusion, the reevaluation of imported variables on each request in Flask is a result of the way Python imports modules and the singleton behavior of Flask’s application context. By using a singleton pattern, cache mechanism, or avoiding importing variables altogether, you can avoid this problem and ensure that your imported variables are not reevaluated on each request.


Frequently asked questions about imported variables in Flask:

Why does Flask reevaluate imported variables on each request? Flask reevaluates imported variables on each request because of the way Python imports modules and the singleton behavior of Flask’s application context.
How can I avoid reevaluating imported variables? You can avoid reevaluating imported variables by using a singleton pattern, cache mechanism, or avoiding importing variables altogether.
What is the difference between a module and a variable in Python? In Python, a module is a file that contains a collection of related code, while a variable is a named storage location that holds a value.

Additional Resources

For more information on Flask and Python, check out the following resources:

We hope this article has helped you understand why imported variables are reevaluated on each request in Flask, and provided you with solutions to avoid this problem. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Getting curious about Flask? Let’s dive into the world of imported variables and Flask requests!

Why does an imported variable get reevaluated on each request in Flask?

In Flask, each request is a new process, and imported variables are reevaluated because the entire application is recreated for each request. This ensures that each request has a fresh start, without any residual effects from previous requests.

Is this reevaluation a performance issue?

Fortunately, no! Flask’s design takes care of performance. The reevaluation of imported variables is a one-time operation, and it’s a small price to pay for the benefits of a fresh start for each request. Flask’s performance is optimized for production use, so you can focus on building amazing apps!

What if I want to persist data between requests?

No problem! Flask provides ways to persist data between requests, such as using sessions, databases, or caching mechanisms like Redis or Memcached. These solutions allow you to store data between requests, while maintaining the benefits of Flask’s request-based architecture.

How does this affect my application’s behavior?

With each request, your application starts from a clean slate. This means that any changes made to imported variables during a request are lost when the request is completed. Keep this in mind when designing your application’s behavior, and use persistence mechanisms when needed.

Can I disable this reevaluation behavior?

While it’s not recommended, you can use workarounds like using a singleton pattern or a global variable. However, be cautious, as this can lead to unintended consequences and make your application harder to maintain. Stick to Flask’s design principles for a more predictable and scalable application.

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